Friday, September 11, 2020

THE DATING ITINERARY: Contemporary Comedy Romance

Book Giveaway and an Amazon gift card of $15


As if it wasn’t bad enough to be deemed the “most single person” at her magazine’s office, budding reporter Penny has now been tapped to write a series of features called “The Dating Game.” From speed dating to Tinder, old-fashioned matchmakers to up-and-coming “dark dating,” Penny now has to go on a lot of dates. Silver lining: meeting new people should be fun, right? But running into her old rival, George, at her first dating event is decidedly not. Not only does the arrogant know-it-all have zero trouble attracting women, wherever Penny goes, somehow he just. Keeps. Showing. Up.


Geo knows he’s right on the cusp of writing success with the chance to have his own syndicated column. All he has to do is follow his agent’s ideas for showcasing different dating avenues, and he’ll pull in enough to help his sister’s non-profit women’s shelter get off the ground. Sure, his itinerary is starting to look strangely similar to his old rival Penny’s, but all’s fair in love and syndication, right?


The more they look for love in all the wrong places, though, the more they start to wonder if it was right in front of their noses all along. Still, the brutal dating scene just might end them, if these two don’t kill each other first.



Brooke Williams is a former radio announcer turned stay-at-home mom/freelance writer/author. Brooke finds that creating fictional characters and placing them in odd situations is a bright spot in any day and so she continues to do so with fervor. She has been married to her husband, Sean, since 2002 and they have two beautiful daughters, Kaelyn and Sadie. Brooke’s books include: Someone Always Loved You, Wrong Place Right Time, Accept this Dandelion, Dandelions on the Road, Mamarazzi, and Shower in the Rain, among others.


The Giveaway is for an Ebook of Accept This Dandelion and for a $15 gift card.


Author Website:


Amazon Author Page:

The Dating Itinerary on Amazon:



  1. Being the daughter of a newspaperman this sounds like something that I would enjoy reading. Sounds really fun! Need some good light reading these days!

  2. I've just downloaded a Kindle copy. This story looks like a lot of fun!

  3. Looks like a Great & Funny ◀ (My Fav Kind) Read
    Thank You 💖 For the Chance to Win & For Sharing this Book With Us

  4. Shared Post Today on Twitter. 😍💗😍
    #SharingIsCaring 😁💖😁

  5. This sounds like a very entertaining book. I look forward to reading it. Thank you for the chance to win a copy.

  6. I am sure I am too late for this by now. I love Brooke's books! They are such fun to read.
    lkish77123 at gmail dot com


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