Monday, October 18, 2010

Interview with Historical Romance Author Sarah M. Eden

A true romantic at heart, Sarah has a weakness for the Regency era in English history. It’s not just historical romance, but it’s romantic comedy. Comedy is second nature to her. She loves research and researches her time period with zeal. Sarah has published ten novels, has won an award for Best Romance category as a finalist, was 1st Place in the Arizona Chapter of American Mothers for the Short Story category, and has two children.

Hello Sarah. I absolutely love romantic comedy because I love to laugh. Please tell us about your new book, Courting Miss Lancaster.

Courting Miss Lancaster is an historical romance set in the era of Jane Austen, Napoleon, Mad King George. It will make readers laugh and sigh, but probably mostly laugh. And, of course, it has a very happy ending.

From the back cover: Harry Windover adores blonde, green-eyed Athena Lancaster, but alas, a penniless man like himself has no hope of winning a young noblewoman's hand. To add insult to injury, Athena's brother-in-law and guardian, the Duke of Kielder, has asked Harry to assist Athena in finding the gentleman of her dreams. But the lovesick Harry is cunning as well: as the weeks pass, he introduces Athena to suitors who are horrifically boring, alarmingly attached to their mothers, downright rude, astoundingly self-absorbed, and utterly ridiculous. Athena can't comprehend why she is having so little success meeting eligible and acceptable gentlemen. Indeed, her circle of admirers couldn't be less admirable--nothing like the loyal, gentle friend she's found in Harry. But how long can Harry's scheme be hidden before it is discovered? And what will Athena do when she uncovers Harry's deception? Escape into a charming regency world in this delightfully romantic comedy of manners that will entertain you to the very last word.

I love historical romance. You can learn a bit of history and be entertained at the same time. Where did you get your inspiration for your novel? Do you get your ideas from real life experiences?

Any character in my novel who is doing or saying something embarrassing was most likely inspired by real life experiences. Personal real life experiences. My life could likely be summed up as A Series of Embarrassing Events. There was the time in college I fell down half a flight of stairs and landed right at the feet of a totally hunky guy. Yea. That's gonna end up in a book somewhere. A great many of Miss Lancaster's suitors in Courting Miss Lancaster are exaggerated versions of guys I have actually known at some point in my life. Having said that, a lot of my writing is purely the work of my overactive imagination. I just sit back, think of the absolute craziest thing that could happen to a character and still fit in the context of the story, and just go with it.

I’m impressed. I wish I had a lot of hilarious experiences to use from my life. You wrote: “I'm not normal. I'm an author. I spend enormous amounts of time avoiding responsible things like cooking dinner and doing laundry and making vital phone calls. Instead, I fill my days with making up stories, talking to voices in my head, and laughing hysterically at my own wit.” This is hilarious. What does your husband say about your unconventional habits?

We will be celebrating our 11th wedding anniversary in August (hint, hint, honey--because I know you're reading this). After 11 years of wedded bliss, I think he's gotten used to me. I've never been "normal" so he knew, at least to a degree, what he was getting himself into.

My husband is also my Ultra Alpha Reader. He hears everything I write before anyone else--sometimes within a few minutes of me writing it. His job is to let me know if I've pushed things a little too far down the crazy trail, if my guys sound like girls and if I am "even making any sense at all." It's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.

Your husband sounds great. What does your family think about your writing style?

Probably anyone who knows me would never have pegged me as a romance writer before I delved into the genre. My romantic sensibilities are kept very tightly under wraps. When I first started letting my family know I was writing romances, I think they were a little skeptical. However, after reading my work and realizing that my style is "Romantic Comedy, With an Extra Helping of Comedy" it made a little more sense. The style definitely fits me.

It sounds like comedy comes easy for you. Since you write comedy, I’m sure you can tell us something about the real you that we’ll never forget.

Never forget, huh? I'd really prefer this be a "never forget" in a good way. Sadly, that narrows down the field a whole lot.
Does this something have to be true? Probably.
I know all the words to "Ice, Ice Baby." No. That's lame.
I had braces for 4 years. No. Too boring.
I lied on my drivers license--I put 5'0" but I am actually only 4'11". No. That's too "True Confessions"-y.
I have no idea. Maybe the real me is really, really forgettable. Maybe I need to go out and do something with my life. Nah. I'll just write another book.

Reading your unforgettable ideas was hilarious. That alone was worth asking the question! This was fun getting to know the unforgettable singing author who is 4’11”. Oh my gosh! I don’t believe I’ve ever met anyone that tall before, but then I come from a background of tall people. My dad was six feet and I take after him.


  1. Under 5 ft!!! I wish I was that small having been tall for my whole life, much taller than other girls.
    This book sounds lovely, thank you for offering up in a giveaway.


  2. What a delightful interview! "Courting Miss Lancaster" will indeed make me laugh and I love laughing. It's so healthy and healing. I'd like to meet Sarah Eden in person one day - we'd get along fine..I'm kind of goofy too. Anyone who can laugh at herself is self-confident and knows who she is. Thank you for this book giveaway and the chance to win it. I hope I do!

    Sharing Christ's Love,
    Barb Shelton
    barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

  3. Books with a setting in England are tops on my list. Thanks for the interview.

    Helen Kiker

  4. I enjoyed this interview! A woman after my own heart! I don't consider myself normal either. My husband sounds a lot like yours and he has put up with me for over 17 years! Your book sounds like somethingI would enjoy!

    nancyecdavis AT bellsouth DOT net

  5. Nice interview. I love her hair on this cover. thanks

    ABreading4fun [at] gmail [dot] com

  6. I'd love a chance to win an historical. My Mom & I love them!! Agree under 5 ft would be nice ok 5'2" so I could wear every high heel out there. I've always hated being tall too.

    Thanks for the contests!!!

  7. I'm with you. I'm only 5 feet tall on a good day. =( Funny romances are better at this altitude anyway. =)
    tiredwkids at live dot com

  8. I really needed a good laugh today!! I can't wait to get my hands on a copy of Courting Miss Lancaster, it sounds wonderful. I do like a book that makes me laugh. I enjoyed the interview very much.

    mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

  9. What a great interview! I love that her husband is so supportive! I can't wait to read Courting Miss Lancaster.

  10. This book sounds great! And the interview was fun to read. I look forward to reading this book.

  11. After reading this interview, I think I'm interested in everything she has written! What a refreshing personality, which shines through in her interview responses!

  12. Sarah is a comic genius with a crazy romantic side. I loved the interview and would love to win this book:)

  13. We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

  14. She is so funny. Loved the interview. Please enter me in this great giveaway.

  15. Funny! I'd love to read this book!
    bkhabel at gmail dot com

  16. Count me in on the giveaway! I'd love to read it! This would be a new author for me!!


    Katie M

  17. My grandmother is about that tall, though she prefers to call herself 5 ft as well. Everyone else is almost a foot taller though. gasweetheart211[at]netscape[dot]net

  18. I, too, love historical fiction. Please count me in.


  19. This sounds like a fun book.
    (My sister is 4' 11 1/2", and I'm 5' 1", so I know what it's like to be short.)


  20. THis sounds like a great book and write up my alley.

  21. *laughs* Your sense of humor shines through in your answers... and yes... keep that bit about Ice Ice Baby on the down low, lol! Claim you were really trying to learn the lyrics to Under Pressure... but kept getting Vanilla Ice instead XD
    (Oh wait... I know the words to the Ninja Turtle rap... I think that makes me even more lame) haha!

  22. I'd love to win this book. Any author who laughs at her own internal conversations gets my vote!!

  23. I,especially, enjoyed the part of the interview where Ms. Eden tells that any embarrassing experiences were molded from her real life happenings :) Great to be able to laugh about yourself! This sounds like a book I really want to read.

  24. I love her description of her writing style as "Romantic Comedy with an extra helping of Comedy"! This DEFINITELY sounds like my cup of tea!


  25. Interesting interview. Would love to have a copy of this book of my own! Sounds like something I'd really like...I love historical fiction..with some comedy thrown in there...

  26. Congratulations, Heather! You're the winner of this awesome book. I know you'll love it. Stay tuned for more give-aways each Monday. Right now we have a Halloween Give Away. Thanks, everyone, for participating.


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