Monday, August 16, 2010

Interview with Romance Author Rachel Ann Nunes

Rachel Ann Nunes is a best-selling author of romance and women's fiction. She not only speaks English but also Portuguese, Spanish, and French. She is the mother of six children, three boys and three girls, and the author of 30 published novels. As a stay-at-home mom, she’s on her computer for several hours a day. Her only rule about writing is to “never eat chocolate at the computer.”

Hello Rachel. What a great pleasure to speak with you! You are the author of contemporary romance novels such as paranormal romance, romantic suspense, and women’s fiction. You are also known for writing “clean romances.” Where do you get your ideas?

Authors usually get their ideas from five different places--personal experience, what they observe/overhear, research, imagination, and inspiration (or the mythical muse). I use a combination of all of these in each of my books. My first novel was inspired by a woman I met in Portugal. I didn’t know much of her personal story, but what I heard inspired me when I eventually began to write. The book was in no way her story, of course, but the real-life events were definitely pivotal in pointing my imagination in the right direction. The scenes with the children… most of my novels are based on my own experience with my children, and most of the ideas for my medical scenarios came from research. With my suspense and paranormal, I rely heavily on my imagination--basically making it up. And sometimes ideas simply appear in my mind, fully formed. That's the easiest way, but not always the most reliable. I still have to research to make sure the scenario is plausible.

As a plot develops in my head, it won't leave me alone until I finish it. The more I write, the more the ideas flow. I'm always compelled to write. It's as if I'm in a huge amphitheatre and sitting in the audience are all the thousands of story ideas and they are calling to me to write them. The one that yells the loudest wins.

What is Imprints about?

A young woman is missing. In desperation, her parents turn to Autumn Rain for help. Autumn reads imprints - emotions mysteriously left behind on certain treasured objects. But will this ability enrich her life or destroy it? Autumn isn't sure - her life has become far from normal - but for people whose loved ones are missing, her talent might mean the difference between life and death. Even the infuriating Detective Martin has asked for Autumn's help, though at times she feels more like a suspect than a consultant. Too often Autumn find herself retreating to her antiques shop and the company of her best friend, Jake Ryan, to avoid notice. But soon more than one woman is missing, and Autumn teams up with private eye Ethan McConnell to investigate their disappearance. Ethan's attraction to her is a pleasant change from Jake's frustrating offers of friendship, but once Autumn takes that first step, she sets in motion a series of events that risk not only her own life but the lives of those she cares most about.

Your book sounds like it’s full of suspense. Do you use an outline when you write or play it by ear?

I don’t outline. The only book I ever completely outlined, I ended up not writing. I know where I’m going to begin each book, a few scenes in between, and generally how I want it to end, but for me the joy of writing is discovering where my characters will take me. I do make little notes at the bottom of the screen about things I want to include, or at the top of the screen if it’s something earlier in the manuscript that I need to remember to add on the rewrite, but that’s as far as I go with planning. When the notes are all gone, I’m basically finished with the book.

Please tell us briefly why do you want to post at your door: DANGER, WRITER AT WORK, KNOCK AT YOUR OWN RISK!

The reason I've been tempted to post that sign is because all too often, I'm in my pajamas, my hair is a mess, and I'm so far in another world that even if I answer a question, I don't really know what I'm saying and I'll forget the second… whoever it is at the door… leaves. My kids have learned, though. Now when they ask me for something and I say yes, sometimes they'll come back and say, "Now, you really did mean yes, didn't you?" That's my clue to pull my head back to the real world and focus more on what they are saying.

Thanks. I was wondering about that hilarious sign. What does your family think about your writing?

My children don't know any different because I've been writing since they were small. The older ones seem proud of what I do and love to tell me stories of people they run into who read my books. One of my daughters is my first reader. She gets all the stories first and is my best fan. She's excellent at line editing, and I'm trying to teach her to be critical of dialogue and plotting, too.

Wow… your daughter is learning about editing. That’s wonderful. Please tell us something about the real you that we’ll never forget.

Hmm. I love to jump on the trampoline, I was in a roller skating club once as a youth, the Road Rollers, and to this day I love skating. I also have a concealed carry permit.

How about that? I wouldn't have guessed that you were a roller skating lady who packs a piece! That's really something. My husband loves to go target shooting and he takes me along, although I’m not very good compared to him. Now I know the real you and what a pleasure it has been!


karenk said...

a wonderful posting/interview...looking forward to reading rachel's work.

kmkuka at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...

Racheal has a very engaging imagination and I enjoyed the interview. I related to her talking about the sign on her door...and being so deep in thought she doesn't remember who was at the door or what they asked! Her book is intriguing and I'd like to read it. I wish her God's generous blessings on the success of her writings.

Thank you for the giveaway and the chance to win.

Sharing God's Love,
Barb Shelton
barbjan10 at tx dot rr dot com

Kathy Habel said...

Can't wait to read Imprints. I have it on hold at the library but there is a long wait. If I had a sign posted on my front door it would read either:
The house was clean last week - sorry you missed it!
If you're here to see me stop by anytime, if you came to see the house please make an appointment.
toobusyreading @ gmail dot come

PoCoKat said...

The book sounds very interesting! Looking forward to reading it!
Thanks for the opportunity to win the $20 gift certificate.

littleone AT shaw DOT ca

Marjorie/cenya2 said...

This book is on my wish list and I just love the storyline and I would love to win it.

cenya2 at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Imprints looks sooooooooooo good!(: I'm dying to read it. Great interview!

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

A wonderful review and what an interesting sounding book.

journey through books @

Kathleen Dalton-Woodbury said...

IMPRINTS really is good, with interesting characters and a compelling mystery. Don't wait to read it.

Will there be another story about Autumn Rain? I hope so.

workshop AT burgyone DOT com

Cindy W. said...

Great review and I love the cover of Imprints. Sounds like a very interesting book.

Cindy W.


Anonymous said...

A great interview and her book sounds really great!

twilightforever.edward at gmail dot com

Unknown said...

Imprints sounds like it has a very interesting premise. I also love the cover and can't wait to read it.

Thanks for the giveaway!

Cheryl said...

Excellent interview ladies. Rachel's books sound like I should be checking them out. I wandered out to her website today and really liked what I saw.

Thanks for the chance to win.



Anonymous said...

Sounds intriguing, although I wonder if there's a story behind Autumn Rain's name?

headlessfowl at jteers dot net

Aik said...

Imprints sounds like a great book! I'd love to read it!

aikychien at yahoo dot com

Mozi Esme said...

Looks like a very interesting read! We posted about this giveaway at Winning Readings:

Janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the giveaway. I can't wait to read this book.

Michelle said...

That's amazing. The only book she ever outlined, she actually never wrote.

brendajean said...

I loved the interview. Thanks! I love Rachel Ann's books. She is amazing- 6 kids?!?! How does she ever find time to write?

BookHounds said...

No need to enter me, I just posted this at win a book for you.

cheryl c said...

I am so impressed that Rachel has six children AND she has written 30 books. She still has all her hair, too! ;)

The book's plot intrigues me!

castings at mindspring dot com

Sheryl Barnes said...

Thanks for the interview and introducing us to Rachel's books. I can't imagine how she finds the time to write and take care of six children. Amazing. Her book sounds very good. I coordinate a book club and would love to win a copy of this to review as a possible selection for our club.
Thanks for the opportunity.

Unknown said...

Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway!
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

Triciab said...

Thanks for interviewing Rachel. I can't imagine raising 6 kids and writing 30+ novels. Romantic suspense and paranormal romance are two of my favorite genres so Imprints just went on my TBR.

Linda Kish said...

This sounds like a wonderful book.

lkish77123 at gmail dot com

donnas said...

Great interview. Imprints sounds really good. Two of my favorite genres are paranormal and romantic suspense. Sounds like a great author to add to my wishlist.

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Bakersdozen said...

I so appreciate the interview and would love to read this book. vidomich(at)yahoo(dot)com

Bluerose said...

I read about Imprints on another blog a couple of weeks ago, and immediately put it on my wish list. I can't wait to read it!

The Book Chick said...

I love the fact that Rachel Ann doesn't use outlines- it kind of has this "whatever happens, happens" feel to it! Oh, and I love the sign on the door :)


Yan said...

I think it's rather interesting that Rachel doesn't outline. In many of my cases if I don't outline I would little to no clue as to what happens next xD


Melissa said...

Nice interview. Thanks for sharing with everyone!
mbamster0720 at gmail dot com

Teddy Rose said...

That is so cool that your daughter likes editing. Perhaps she will go into the writing or publishing industry herself.

teddyr66 at

grannyvon said...

Never read any thing about 'imprints' before but sure would love to win it. It goes on my must read list along with everything written by Rachel Ann Nunes.

Katie said...

The book looks very good! I will have to read it sometime! Also, please enter me in the drawing.

God bless!

~Katie G.

katiegalyean (at) yahoo (dot) com

Moridin said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
wmmahaney said...

This book sounds wonderful. I would love to read it.

Meredith said...

Roller derby momma! The book sounds wonderful!

meredithfl at gmail dot com

Katie Nicole said...

I love Rachel Nunes!! She's an awesome author. I got Imprints for my birthday and I enjoyed it. Great interview! Learned a bit about her... :)

msdarcy said...

Thanks for a great interview. She is an amazing lady and I can't wait to read her book.

Sophie said...

I haven't read any of your books yet, but now I am interested. I am interested to see if your knowledge of languages has any influence in your writing.

chitownchicas at gmail dot com

Bunny B said...

Nice interview. Imprints sounds intriguing! And jumping on the trampoline is loads of fun :)

bunnybx at gmail . com

Pam said...

Oooh - never eat chocolate at the computer? I don't know if I could keep that rule...

melacan at hotmail dot com

Linda Weaver Clarke said...

Congratulations Triciab! I'm so happy to announce that you are the winner of Imprints. I know you'll enjoy it. Have a great day!

Best Wishes,
Linda Weaver Clarke

Rachel Ann Nunes said...

Thanks so much for all the comments. After the past few weeks I've had the support really means a lot! I am nearly finished with a sequel, and I'm planning a few more in the series. Autumn is a fun character to write. Happy reading everyone!

Rachel Ann Nunes said...

And Linda, I've been trying to reply to an e-mail you sent me, but it keeps bouncing back. Will you check your spam/blocked settings or give me another e-mail account (I have Thanks!