Monday, May 7, 2018

Sweet Land of Liberty

Freedom is the most precious gift given to man. It isn’t free, but it’s fought for. Have you ever wondered why tears so freely come to our eyes when we hear the Star Spangled Banner as our flag waves in the distance? Why do we value our freedom and hold it so close to our hearts?

When we pledge allegiance to our flag, what does that mean to us? Do we take our freedom for granted? Many countries have no rights and are not at liberty to say what they feel or to worship as they please. In some countries, Christianity cannot be preached among the people. Newspapers, media, and even the Internet are all government controlled. Do we understand the freedom we possess? Have you ever thought about the patriots who fought for the liberty that we enjoy? These brave men desired to live in a free land, not ruled by a monarchy.

On July 4, 1776, Thomas Jefferson wrote the “Declaration of Independence.” This document inspired every patriot to fight for his liberty. As General George Washington stood before the Continental Army with the document in his hand, he took a look at the weary men before him in their tattered clothes, and he realized they had not eaten a decent meal for months. These underfed men were a sight! Washington knew his men needed to be inspired and this document would do the trick.

As he read the declaration out loud, not a sound was heard as the men listened. They were touched when he came to the part, “…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

As these patriots listened to every word, they were buoyed up, inspired, ready to fight for their freedom against the tyranny placed upon them. The fire inside them grew and no one could stop the need they felt for liberty. The “Declaration of Independence” was inspired of God.

Many of these patriots were willing to die for freedom. Nathan Hale, a 23-year-old artist and schoolteacher, felt the conviction of his beliefs so strongly that he agreed to go on a dangerous mission for George Washington. He was caught with sketches of British gun emplacements and the penalty for being a spy was to be hanged. As he marched up the steps of the gallows, he held his head high. When he turned to face the people, he declared boldly, “I regret that I have but one life to give for my country.”

The patriots knew the value of freedom and were willing to pay the price. When Thomas Paine saw the sad condition of the Continental Army, barefoot and in tattered clothes, he wrote, “These are the times that try men’s souls…Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly: ‘Tis dearness only that gives everything its value. Heaven knows how to set a proper price upon its goods; and it would be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as Freedom should not be highly rated.”

The patriots lost many battles but won the battles that made a difference. The crossing of the Delaware will never be forgotten. Many were sick, fatigued, and their feet were wrapped with cloth to protect them from freezing weather. George Washington knew the Continental Army was outnumbered, but he was inspired to take his army across the Delaware in a terrible blizzard. He suspected the Hessians would be drunk from the Christmas festivities.

In the early hours of the morning, the surprise attack was a never-forgotten battle of victory that shocked the Hessians, who were German mercenaries, skilled fighters, paid by the British to cut down the patriots. After a count was taken, it was discovered that not one patriot had been killed in that battle. This victory turned the war around.

The British were stunned at what had happened. When they found the Continental Army to be so strong and stubborn, they changed tactics. They moved a part of their forces to the south with the idea of moving northward, capturing one state at a time.

Most of the victories in the south came from Francis Marion and his men because the northern armies were not familiar with the territory. Colonial Francis Marion knew how to deal with the enemy in his own homeland. He was known as the Swamp Fox and had the slyest fighting command in the whole revolution. He had trained his men to disappear into the thick forest and swamps of South Carolina without a sound. Hidden from sight, they would strike and then quickly move through the woods like silent shadows, fading into the forest and undergrowth. Francis Marion and his men tormented the British army with one ambush after another. This frustrated the British officers because they were helpless in the woods and swamps.

After eight years, the Americans beat the greatest military power in the world. Many patriots had to pay for this freedom with their lives and we are grateful to those who fought for our liberty.

This was the inspiration for The Rebel Series. You get a glimpse of what another country had to fight for, along with a sweet romance. In The Rebels of Cordovia, the time period is set in the late 1700s, giving the feeling of an eighteenth century Robin Hood. A group of men and women find themselves fighting for the same cause: for their rights, for freedom of speech, and equality. Robin’s Rebels realize they must fight against the tyranny of a wicked king and help the people survive this oppression. In this battle for freedom, a tender love story begins to blossom. With bits of adventure and sweet romance, this tale will entertain both young and old alike.

If anyone is interested in reviewing The Rebel Series as an ebook or an audiobook from Audible, make a comment, leave an email, and tell me that you would like to review this series and post it on your blog.


Sonja said...

Great history post, Linda!

Gail Pallotta said...

Hi Linda,

I enjoyed The Rebels of Cordovia, and I also enjoyed your post. So many people in our country seem to know so little about the price some have paid for our freedom or what our flag stands for. This is a wonderful blog as a reminder.

Jewel's Gems said...

Awesome, post, Linda! Thanks for the uplifting and positive info on these great men.
Freedom really isn't free. Sadly though, our country has become almost as socialistic as the others because of unrighteous dominion, and we are fast losing the freedoms that many fought so hard for . . .
Still, God is in charge and He is always in control:-)
Thanks again!

Shirley said...

Love the series. I have already read and reviewed the series.
Thanks for the history review and insight.